“Rabbits Don’t Lay Eggs!” is a children’s book written by Paula Metcalf and illustrated by Cally Johnson-Isaacs. In this whimsical and humorous story, readers are introduced to a rabbit named Roger who becomes convinced that he must lay an egg to fit in with his friends.
Despite the absurdity of the idea, Roger is determined to lay an egg and tries various methods to achieve his goal. Along the way, he encounters other animals who try to help him, but Roger’s attempts lead to comical mishaps and misunderstandings.
Paula Metcalf’s storytelling is known for its wit, charm, and clever wordplay, while Cally Johnson-Isaacs’ illustrations are colorful, expressive, and full of delightful details.
“Rabbits Don’t Lay Eggs!” is likely a delightful and heartwarming story that celebrates individuality, friendship, and the importance of being true to oneself. It’s a perfect read-aloud book for young children that will leave them laughing and inspired
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